Call Recording Print

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One Touch Call Recording


When you are involved in a phone conversation, if your extension has the call recording features active, you can record calls by pressing *1.


A custom sound file, which you can choose in the ezytel Control Panel, can be also played when call recording starts.


In order to stop a call recording, you must press *1 again.



One Touch Conference Recording


When you add a new conference extension, you can define its recording behaviour using the radio buttons from the Record Conference Conversations setting. The available options are:


Always -  When this option is enabled, all scheduled conferences will be recorded.


Never -  When this options is enabled NO scheduled conferences are recorded.


User's Choice -  When this option is enabled a new setting will appear in the Schedule Conference page.


The Record Conference Conversations settings allows the user to choose their recording preferences. There are 3 available options


Never -  No scheduled conference call will be recorded


*0 -  The scheduled conference call will be recorded only when *0 is pressed. To stop the recording press *0 again.


All calls are recorded -  All scheduled conference calls will be recorded. When involved in a conference started by yourself, you can record all conversations by pressing *0#. This is available only if you are logged in as admin. Otherwise, pressing *0# will render the available member count. In order to stop a call recording, you must press *0# again.


Note that pressing *0# will record the conference only if you have selected the User's choice option for the Record conference conversations setting, available in the Edit Conference Extension page of the ezytel Control Panel.

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