Queue Agents Print

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Most of the features we're about to outline can be controlled from the ezytel Control Panel, however in many cases, changing settings using your phone can be easier and quicker than accessing the Control Panel.



Log in the queue agent owning the extension.

If you are an agent in a queue and you want to take calls from your personal extension, you can dial *96 from your phone terminal key pad in order to log in to the system.

You will be prompted for your agent password. After authentication, the system will expect to find you at the extension you logged in from.



Disconnect the queue agent owning the extension.

If you are an agent in a queue and you are logged in to the system from your personal extension, you can log out by dialing *98 from the extension phone keypad.



Login any queue agent.

If you are an agent in a queue and you want to take the calls from another extension, you can dial *97 from the phone terminal's key pad in order to log in to the system.

You will be prompted for your agent number and password.

After authentication, the system will expect to find you at the extension you logged in from.



Disconnect any queue agent.

If you are an agent in a queue and you are logged in to the system from another extension, you can logout by dialing *98EXTENSION from the phone terminal's key pad.

EXTENSION is the short, three digit number of the extension enrolled as a queue agent, in other words your agent number.

For example, if you want to log in to the system as a queue agent from another extension, 00010002, you will have to dial *97.

To log out agent 00010001 from extension 00010002, you will be required to dial *98001.

This is necessary because more than one agent can be logged in from a single extension.



Pause and un-pause the agent session.

If you are currently logged in the system as an agent and you want to take a break without logging out of the queue, you must dial *26 followed by the number of your extension.

This code lets your ezyPBX know that you are not available and that calls should not be assigned to your extension.

To return to the queue activity you must dial *28 followed by the number of your extension.

If you have logged into the queue from the phone associated with your extension, you can use the shortcut *26 to pause and *28 to un-pause your session.



Supervise queue conversations.

If you are a queue supervisor, you can start listening to the active queue conversations by dialing *999 followed by the number of the queue extension.

Our system will announce the extension number of the first active agent found and will allow you to listen in to their conversation.

To listen to the next available call in the queue, simply dial *.



Communicate or "whisper" to an agent.

If you are a queue supervisor, you can to a queue agent by dialing *998 followed by the number of the queue extension. You will be connected to the active agent that answered a call last.

To whisper to the next available agent, the queue supervisor must dial *.



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