Compared to other domain names, .au domain names have very specific requirements determined by .au policy, set by the .au Domain Regulator; the auDA.
If you're still uncertain about the information you need to enter after reading this page, please open a support request HERE
The details required for registration of a .au domain name are as follows:
Required Fields
Registrant Name: Your company or personal name; usually the name that matches your ABN or ACN.
Registrant ID: Your Australian Company Number, Australian Business Number or Registered Business Number.
Registrant ID Type: The type of ID as suggested above.
Optional Fields
Eligibility Name: Only required depending on your Eligibility Reason. Use the same details as your Registrant Name.
Eligibility ID: The corresponding ID number for the Eligibility Name, if applicable. Use the same details as your Registrant ID.
Eligibility ID Type: The type of ID as suggested above.
Eligibility Type: The Registrant's entity type, eg, Company, Sole Trader, etc.
Eligibility Reason: An exact match, abbreviation or acronym of your Entity or Trading Name OR a close and substantial connection between the domain name and the operations of your Entity.
The close and substantial connection is defined in the following ways:
For and
- a product that the registrant manufactures or sells
- a service that the registrant provides
- an event that the registrant organises or sponsors
- an activity that the registrant facilitates, teaches or trains
- a venue that the registrant operates
- a profession that the registrant's employees practise
For and
- a service that the registrant provides
- a program that the registrant administers
- an event that the registrant organises or sponsors
- an activity that the registrant facilitates, teaches or trains
- a venue that the registrant operates
- a profession that the registrant's members practise
If you'd like more details about .au domain eligibility, visit the auDA website
To view all published auDA policies, CLICK HERE